Dublin Wheelers Cycling Club




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2016 Sweeney/Garland/Byrne Memorial Race

RACINGThe 2016 Sweeney/Garland/Byrne Memorial race was held on December 4th on the Green Sheds circuit. Known informally as the hamper race this commemorates three Wheelers who were sadly taken from us before their time.

The race was held over a little over a distance of 44 km with three groups or riders. The first and the second group merged but the Scratch groups was not able to catch them. The winner for the second year running was Oisin Smith.

1. Oisin Smith 1:01:08
2. Mick Hayden s.t.
3. Martin McGonagle s.t.
4. Shay Dalton 1.04.10
5. Sean Lally 1.04.11
6. Jimmy Lally
7. Mick Usher
8. Sean G. lally
9. Alan Laycock
10. Stephen Fennell
11. Dave Kelly
12. Dan Roberts
-- all same time --
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